when there's a light, there must be a darkness
when there's a life, there must be a death
when there's a love, there must be a pain.
this is life we've been living
this is a curse that we have to suffer
and this is a bless that we must be grateful for.
my life is like a legend
most of them are true, and some of them are gossips
i love this life, it has pain, it has love, it has loneliness
but that's okay
even tough i wanted to end my life
and even tough i could keep smiling all day
it's not something that i want it to end
it's not something that i love either
it's just me.
all those things that has already happened
and the things that i hope will happen
its just another part of my legend
all those things that they said about me
and the things that i did
is not the best option that i choose
but what can i do now ?
it's already passed away.
it's like a sunk cost in macroeconomics.
but still, i just wish
i could've done something that better that this
once again, like i said
it's no use to cry over spilled milk.
lets keep smiling
keep happy
'cause the world
will be a better place
for you
and me.
Mon, 23 November 2009 (in the name of passion)
Senin, 30 November 2009
a heart for a heart, a pain for a love.
Diposting oleh adityarahadi di 05.18 0 komentar
Label: senyuman
a soft susurrus of wind
well.. first thing first..
semuanya makasih ud mau sempet melihat blog saya / gw / aku... yaaa~... whatever deh..
sebenernya sih ini blog kesekian kalinya gw..
bukan sok eksis sih.. cuma lupa email.. lupa password... yang berujung kemalangan..
lupakanlah kalu begitu.. mari mulai yg baru dengan yang ini..
gw sampe nyatet email sm password blog ini d dekstop gw... sheeeeeet...
saya pelupa..
ok ok.. gini..
gw Adit
gw Raha
gw Sae
well, itu semua nickname gw.. tp gw lebih suka dipanggil sae..
gw hobi melukis, buat lagu, masak, foto2, dll.
gw sma kayak kalian semua...
just a man..
trying to live in this life..
my last blog is
kalian boleh ngecek itu..
ada beberapa post disitu..
ga penting sih..
cuma ya silahkan di cek..
Yak.. Let's start... The Wind's Tale..
Kisah hidup gw..
Yang begitu... ^^
Diposting oleh adityarahadi di 04.55 0 komentar